Today RR recommends Suketu Dani from Al Zameel Décor. Recently, we had the opportunity to use the services of Al Zameel Décor for our office and we were absolutely impressed by the intricacy of the work and the timing of the delivery and most importantly the service that we received from them. Please have a look at the images to see the reception counter and the showroom cabinet that they did for our office - Veesham Printing Press. The team is very happy and we receive a lot of compliments from our clients.
“We were absolutely impressed by the intricacy of the work and the timing of the delivery and most importantly the service that we received from them.”
Customized furniture gives you the benefit of designing the item to fit in the space that you want and get the design that you are looking for. I will not hesitate to recommend Suketu and Al Zameel Décor to companies and individuals looking to customize their furniture and get great quality and outstanding items that will be the pride of their office and / or home.
Suketu can be contacted by mobile on 055 416 1646 or email You can also check out his works on his website