This is something simple yet so powerful. In today's day and age, with smartphones, tablets and with technology being so driven, it has made relationships impersonal.

A thought to ponder about. Don't use your smartphone smartly but use it the traditional way sometimes.
“Do you go through your friend's post on any of your preferred channel and press "Like", "Love", etc ? Next time, pick up the phone and call and tell them you really liked XYZ about the post they put up. See how they react."
You’ll get many chances like these where can go back and do things differently and make that person feel special.

Create Memories using old techniques
Pick up the phone and call. Call the most random person who you would otherwise would not have called. This instance happened with me just recently when a dear friend who I normally only interact with socially, called and said she saw my post online and wanted to call and wish me rather than drop a like or comment on social media. This made me feel great, made me feel special. You know who are H, a big thank you for making me feel so good that time. I love you.
At the end of the day, social media, different chat programs, online interactive chats and interactive programs where you can work as a team, all of this can give you an added advantage in terms of efficiency, productivity and time management but you lose that personal touch.
Do keep going back and add that personal touch. Give a voice in this day and age to just data being flown on all different channels and trust me that voice, even though you might think will take more of your time, but that special yet ancient way of communicating will make that person feel great and they will remember you and this feeling for a very long time. This will make you feel remembered, with your clients, friends, associates or people who you would love to connect with but are always in touch with online due to geographical differences as they stay quite far away. Make their day special just as you would like to feel special as well.
(#feelspecial #letstalk #oldisgold)